Results of a Preliminary Survey into Wasting Marmoset Syndrome in Callitrichid Collections
Ialeggio DM, Baker AJ. 1995. Results of a preliminary survey into wasting Marmoset Syndrome in callitrichid collections. In Proceedings of the First Conference on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition, AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, Scarborough, OT.
A preliminary survey of Wasting Marmoset Syndrome was conducted in order to ascertain the significance of this disease constellation in callitrichid collections during the period from 1989 through 1993. Questionnaires prepared by the Philadelphia Zoo Animal and Animal Health Departments and approved by the AZA New World Primate Taxon Advisory Group were mailed to 275 animal managers and veterinarians at 149 AZA accredited and non-AZA accredited institutions. Survey design was intended to facilitate separation of objective and subjective responses. Survey response rates were 79% for institutions and 49% for Individuals. Wasting Marmoset Syndrome was reported in 13 of 16 species of Callitrichidae currently maintained at responding institutions, however the understanding of the signs considered to define Wasting Marmoset Syndrome varied appreciably among these institutions. Survey results will be presented along with a review of Wasting Marmoset Syndrome.