Herbivore carbohydrate nutrient analysis: the next generation


Kearney CC, Dierenfeld ES. 2005. Herbivore carbohydrate nutrient analysis: the next generation. In Graffam W, Hellinga D, Maslanka M, Ward A, Eds. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition, AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, Omaha, NE.


The proximate analysis system attempted to separate dietary carbohydrates into fiber and non-fiber portions. Under this system, any matter unaccounted for after subtraction of ash, crude protein, ether extract, and crude fiber from total dry matter was assumed to be non-fiber carbohydrates. Due to loss of variable amounts of fiber (cellulose and hemicellulose) and lignin during analysis, the proximate analysis system frequently overestimated non-fiber carbohydrates and underestimated fiber to a degree that could not be determined. The neutral detergent system allowed accurate determination of fiber and lignin, improving the accuracy of non-fiber carbohydrate (NFC) estimation, but with no differentiation between NFC fractions. Non-fiber carbohydrates can be separated into sugars, starch, organic acids, and pectic substances known as neutral detergent-soluble fiber (NDSF), distinct fractions which merit individual consideration in diet formulation.

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