BGT diet database software – A flexible and free tool for managing and analyzing zoo diets


Bissell H. 2019. BGT diet database software – A flexible and free tool for managing and analyzing zoo diets. In Brooks M, Freel T, Koutsos E Eds. Proceedings of the Thirteenth Conference on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition, Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition Foundation and AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, Saint Louis, MO.


The Busch Gardens Animal Diet Database (BG-ADD) software manages animal diets and commissary operations. For diets, the BG-ADD allows institutions to design and manage animal diets and animal diet preparations, evaluate the nutrient analysis and costs of diets, and keep a record of diet history. Nutritionists, commissary managers, or animal staff can develop complex diets that can have rotations on nearly any schedule (every 17th Thursday, for example), use in-house recipes that can update daily depending on the amounts needed for a given day, keep track of feed nutrient analysis data, analyze diets, calculate diet costs for animals, exhibits, or areas, and print order forms that tally up the amounts of feeds needed for a given time period. In addition, the software streamlines diet prep by enabling diets to be prepped from touchscreens, which improves prep station hygiene and reduces time-wasting diet prep mistakes by showing only the foods needed for the given day (rather than a week or more at a time). For access to this software, please contact [email protected].


Update 2024: The BG-ADD is now part of the Zoo Diet NaviGator software. You can download it from:

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