Leadership Positions

Steering Committee

The function of the NAG SC:

  • Oversee the goals and objectives of the NAG
  • Represent the NAG
  • Liaise with other groups and organizations on behalf of the NAG
  • Make decisions concerning the NAG and its activities
  • Coordinate and disseminate information
  • Facilitate the performance of action plans
  • Approve NAG members and affiliates
  • Approve membership of subcommittees, working groups, and task forces
  • Review or appoint reviewers for publications

The NAG SC is composed of 9 members, with a Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary-Treasurer. Each member serves a 3 year term. After that time, there is an offer to rotate off (though they can be re-nominated and re-elected to serve). Three members rotate off each year, allowing a full turnover every 3 years. Five of the nine members must be in-house zoo nutritionists (i.e. employed for the specific purpose of nutritionist at an AZA zoo). Three of the members will constitute the Nominating Subcommittee.

Membership in the Steering Committee:

  1. Steering Committee members must be active full members of the NAG.
  2. Steering Committee members will have written institutional commitment indicating approval from appropriate administrator for each member.
  3. Steering Committee members will be elected by NAG active full membership vote.
  4. Nine members will make up the Steering Committee with a Chairperson, a Vice-chairperson, and Secretary-Treasurer of the NAG.
  5. The Steering Committee member term is 3 years and at that time there will be an offer to rotate off (though if reelected can serve again). Three members of the Steering Committee will rotate off each year allowing full turnover every 3 years.
  6. Three Steering Committee members will constitute Nominating Subcommittee.
  7. No more than 4 non-zoo related personnel may serve on the Steering Committee simultaneously.

NAG Officer Responsibilities

AZA NAG Chair and Vice-Chair Positions

These two positions function as:

  1. Coordinators and facilitators for the NAG
  2. Liaisons among the rest of the SC
  3. Liaisons with AZA structure

Chair and Vice-Chair:

  1. Must be AZA members at the highest possible level for them.
  2. If not employed by an AZA accredited institution, are required to be sponsored by one.
  3. Chair must be a nutritionist in a zoo.
  4. Must be members of the Steering Committee.
  5. Are not employed by the same institution.
  6. Must have written institutional commitment indicating approval for serving this capacity.
  7. Will be elected separately by the Steering Committee.
  8. Will serve a minimum term of two years.

The Chair is the primary coordinator and facilitator of the NAG. The Vice-Chair keeps a manual of NAG policies and procedures, coordinates the review process, and assists as needed. The Vice-Chair does not automatically replace the Chair, but is not excluded from the elections to the Chair position for the following term.


This position functions to:

  1. Assist with recording meeting minutes
  2. Manages the bank account
  3. Works with the Nominating Subcommittee to maintain the membership directory