Canned petfood products: a summary of the process and formulation/development considerations
· Updated
Tsuyuki-Effem S. 1997. Canned petfood products: a summary of the process and formulation/development considerations. In Proceedings of the Second Conference on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition, AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, Fort Worth, TX.
Canned petfood represents one of the oldest forms of commercially manufactured pet care products. While consumers have increasingly shifted their buying patterns to dry kibble products in recent years, canned petfood still offers the consumer and pet many positive attributes not found in dry products. In fact, many consumers combine the positive attributes of both dry and canned products by mix feeding on a regular basis. This has led to the growing popularity of the chunks in gravy canned product.
The most appropriate diet for your animal is one that accounts for its nutritional, husbandry, behavioral, and clinical needs as well as individual preferences.
Therefore, we do not publish “standard” diets. Instead, we provide resources to help nutritionists develop diets.
We strongly encourage you to consult with or hire a zoo nutritionist to develop an appropriate diet plan for your animal.
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