Do more with less: the value of developing a collaborative approach to nutrition-based research
Ouellette JR, Brady CA, Carr M, Kouba A, Bissell H. 2005. Do more with less: the value of developing a collaborative approach to nutrition-based research. In Graffam W, Hellinga D, Maslanka M, Ward A, Eds. Proceedings of the Sixth Conference on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition, AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, Omaha, NE.
In the last decade, there has been a gradual awareness that basic research on nutritional physiology and digestive strategies is essential for improving the management and care of zoo animals. However, few small or medium-sized AZA zoological institutions have been able to commit the financial resources and meet the logistical needs to staff and conduct these types of critical studies. Many smaller zoological institutions look to the larger AZA zoological institutions, nutrition-related consultants, and/or AZA conservation and management programs for guidance and support to assist them in addressing basic research concerns in the nutritional sciences.