Development of a body condition score chart for red pandas (Ailurus fulgens)
Shinnerl HE, Fidgett A, D’Amato-Anderson JL, and Ellorin J. 2023. Development of a body condition score chart for red pandas (Ailurus fulgens). In Brooks M, Fidgett A, Kendrick E, Treiber K Eds. Proceedings of the Fifteenth Conference on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition, Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition Foundation and AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, Hybrid.
Body condition indices are commonly used in wildlife biology and zoo management to estimate energy stores, usually fat stores. The practice of body condition scoring (BCS) is a valuable tool for zoo professionals to assess their animals’ condition and make veterinary, husbandry, and nutritional management decisions. However, with the large variety of species housed at zoological institutions, and no universal BCS method, species-specific BCS charts are needed to accurately determine and individual’s condition as fat deposition and muscle structures differ across taxa. Red pandas (Ailurus fulgens) are listed as an IUCN endangered species, and, due to their thick pelage, visual assessment is difficult to determine fat stores. Currently, methods to assess red pandas consist of a series of measurements and calculations that, when compared to a trendline of historic data, can provide an ideal weight for an individual (AZA, 2012). While these measurements are useful to track changes over time, they do not provide a body condition score that can used to make nutritional management decisions. Since red pandas are prone to obesity in human care, which is correlated with lack of reproductive success, having a tool to accurately determine fat stores is important for managing ex situ populations (AZA, 2012).