Evaluation of nutrient composition of common invertebrate feeders fed different supplemental diets


Latney L, Toddes B, Wyre N, Brown D, Briscoe J. 2009. Evaluation of nutrient composition of common invertebrate feeders fed different supplemental diets. In Ward A, Treiber K, Schmidt D, Coslik A, Maslanka M, Eds. Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition, AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, Tulsa, OK.


While the complete nutrient composition of invertebrates commonly fed to insectivorous animals has been studied, research evaluating the differences among supplemental diets marketed to improve their overall nutrient composition is limited. Previous studies have focused on calcium intake in crickets, and to a lesser extent in mealworms, but diets for superworms have not been evaluated. This study evaluated the proximate and mineral composition of Zophobus morio (superworms) and Tenebrio molitor (mealworms) offered four different commercial diets (Fluker’s® Mealworm Bedding, Kaytee® Exact Avian Hand Feeding Formula, Harrisons® Avian High Potency Mash, Mazuri® High Calcium Cricket Diet) at 48, 168, and 244-hour time intervals.

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