Hand-rearing and growth of two ibex (Capra ibex nubiana) kids from 24 hours to weaning at 105 days of age
Treiber K, Ward AM. 2011. Hand-rearing and growth of two ibex (Capra ibex nubiana) kids from 24 hours to weaning at 105 days of age. In Ward A, Coslik A, Maslanka M, Eds. Proceedings of the Ninth Conference on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition, AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, Kansas City, MO.
Two male ibex kids were hand-reared from approximately 24 h after birth. Goat production and exotic captive small ruminant management systems were researched and compared to National Research Council (NRC) energy requirements in order to design a strategy for optimal feeding and growth. Weights were collected on each ibex daily or every other day throughout rearing to evaluate gain and determine feed amounts as a % of body weight. Average daily gains (ADG) matched NRC calculations for energy from formula until solids presumably became a significant contributor to the diet. Gains averaged 107 g/d, approximately 30% higher than gains previously reported for hand-reared and maternal-reared ibex kids, but closer to ADG reported for managed indigenous goat populations. The hand-rearing methodology is presented here as an example for future hand-rearing attempts.