Useful references in zoo and wildlife nutrition
Maslanka M, Henry B, Livingston S, Toddes B, Slifka K, Frederick H, Lavin S, Ward A, Williams J. 2009. Useful references in zoo and wildlife nutrition. In Ward A, Treiber K, Schmidt D, Coslik A, Maslanka M, Eds. Proceedings of the Eighth Conference on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition, AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, Tulsa, OK.
Zoo and wildlife nutritionists apply their nutrition expertise daily to a variety of situations, ranging from the most applied to the most basic. These include commissary operation, inventory maintenance, staff direction, laboratory management, diet formulation and evaluation, consultations with other zoo personnel and other zoos, and budget supervision. Beyond this, they interact with professionals on topics outside of their profession, but still germane to overall zoo animal management, such as veterinary medicine, animal acquisition and disposition, and animal reproduction. Regardless of these varied roles, the professional zoo nutritionist should be well informed in his specialty, yet both discerning and skeptical when using published literature. Unfortunately, all information that has been published is not of equal veracity. The goal of this report was to list sources of information that generally have been found useful and reliable. The information contained within these sources still requires scrutiny and judicious application, and inclusion in this report does not represent unanimous endorsement by the report’s authors. Access to these works and the ability to read them is not a substitute for skilled, professional nutritionists on the zoo staff. However, we hope that identification of these resources will be useful to professionals and non-professionals, alike.