Nutritional management in practice of sand tiger shark (Charcarias taurus) in aquarium
Maia MM, Formágio J, Buhr G, and Takatsuka V. 2021. Nutritional management in practice of sand tiger shark (Charcarias taurus) in aquarium. In Brooks M, Koutsos E, and Henry B Eds. Proceedings of the Fourteenth Conference on Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition, Zoo and Wildlife Nutrition Foundation and AZA Nutrition Advisory Group, Virtual.
Large sharks, such as the sand tiger shark (Carcharias taurus), usually attract public attention in visiting aquariums. It is considered one of the most popular great sharks in captivity. The lack of information on shark and ray nutrition means that there is no consensus on the diet to be offered and on the rate of feeding or frequency of meals. The frequency can vary from 1 to 7 times a week and the rate varies from 1.0-18.1% of the live weight per week or more until apparent satiety. One of the main pathologies found in this species is the deviation of the spine, with obesity and an unbalanced diet being predisposing factors. The present work reports a practical way of calculating the diet of these sharks taking into account their weight, the nutritional characteristics of the food, supplementation, and the energy demand for their maintenance. The 9.6 kcal/BW^0.8 equation was used as a basis for the prediction of the maintenance energy requirement. Supplementation must be balanced according to the food and the amount offered to the animal in order to meet the stipulated nutritional requirements. Food management is done by calculating the energy supply of the food item offered to the animal, thus estimating the number of days it will have its energy demand met. Thus, we managed to avoid excessive weight gain, improving the health, well-being, and longevity of this species. Specific studies must be carried out to ensure more safety in food and nutritional management with the species.