Animal Info / Mammals / Recommendations Utilization of pork and pork by-products for nutritional management of captive exotic felids
Animal Info / Mammals / Recommendations Cheetah nutrition: recent advances and revised SSP recommendations
Animal Info / Reptiles & Amphibians / The field of zoo nutrition Ex situ amphibian nutrition: recent findings and future directions
Animal Info / Clinical nutrition / Reptiles & Amphibians Evaluation of the nutritional status of rehabilitated green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) utilizing nutritional markers, stable isotopes, and metagenomics
Animal Info / Recommendations / Reptiles & Amphibians Body weight changes of leopard tortoises (Stigmochelys pardalis) fed two isoenergetic diets
Animal Info / Clinical nutrition / Mammals Non-healing subcutaneous hemorrhage in a colony of vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) due to suspected vitamin C deficiency
Animal Info / Invertebrates / The field of zoo nutrition Considerations to maximize nutrient supplementation of feeder insects
Animal Info / Reptiles & Amphibians / The field of zoo nutrition Understanding the interactions of diet and lighting on frogs and their symbiotic bacteria to improve ex situ husbandry of amphibians
Animal Info / Clinical nutrition / Reptiles & Amphibians Evaluation of vitamin A status and diagnosis of hypovitaminosis A in amphibians
Animal Info / Fish / The field of zoo nutrition Tools and techniques for successfully grinding fish for tube feed formulas