Animal Info / Mammals / The field of zoo nutrition Analysis of nutrients, moisture loss, and vitamin stability in primate browse harvested at the San Diego Zoo
Animal Info / Clinical nutrition / Mammals What goes around, comes around. The case for transfaunation
Animal Info / Nutrients / Recommendations A different angle on geometrical analysis of diets: developing a tool for using geometry to communicate nutrition to laypeople
Animal Info / Mammals / Physiology Nutrient composition of the milk of the giant anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
Animal Info / Invertebrates / Recommendations A review of the nutrient content of commercial feeder insects and strategies for increasing their nutrient content
Animal Info / Clinical nutrition / Reptiles & Amphibians Hypovitaminosis A: influence of three diets or topical treatment on hepatic, adipose, and plasma retinoid concentrations and presence of squamous metaplasia in Mississippi gopher frogs (Rana capito servosa)
Animal Info / Clinical nutrition / Mammals A targeted metabolomics assay to measure purines in the diet of managed and free-ranging common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates)
Animal Info / Clinical nutrition / Mammals A comparative nutrient analysis of fish species consumed by managed and free-ranging common bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncates) with respect to ammonium urate nephrolithiasis
Animal Info / Mammals / The field of zoo nutrition Feeding strategies in wild carnivores: progress report of a model approach